Breathwork Club
The Burnout Fairy 🧚 Presents: An Hour of Fucking Relief
Self-care starting to feel like more of a necessity than a nice-to-have?
Butttt… you’re still really fucking busy.
Everyone is counting on you for everything and you can’t imagine spinning one single more plate. You’ve been meaning to go to that yoga class for 6 months and you still haven’t made it one time. Your bestie texted you 6 days ago and you still haven’t found a moment to text her back. You snapped without thinking the last time your partner or kid asked you a simple question.
Something has got to change.
But what? Every time someone suggests you rest or take a little time off, your internal monologue starts screaming “MUST BE NICE.”
You don’t have the time or the bandwidth to rehash your past traumas, wallow in grief, or wonder about whether your relationships are healthy. You’ll worry about your career the second you get through your avalanche of daily tasks. (You never make it through the avalanche with any time left over for big-picture thinking.)
OK, deep exhale.
I made something just for you: Breathwork Club. Basically: an hour of fucking relief, release, & peace once a month live over Zoom or whenever you’re ready to watch the replay. It’s both as simple as just breathing- but also way deeper than that.
What To Do When Survival Patterns Become Self-Sabotage
When asked recently to describe my ideal client, I said “hardcore dissociating professionals.”
I said it with no judgment because I was/am one. I’m talking about “the strong one.” The permanent “pleasure to have in class.” The one that agrees to every request for help or a favor. The one that everyone else considers their “rock.” The perfectionist workaholic who manages to have both extreme people-pleasing tendencies AND a penchant for temper tantrums over any minor disruption to the (meticulously pre-planned) plan.
There is a reason why you do this. You had to at some point in your life in order to survive your family of origin, systems that weren’t built to benefit you, toxic relationships, etc.
You developed a black belt in dissociating so you didn’t have to fully feel how incredibly painful it is to live like that. Unable to rest. Prioritizing everyone else over what you truly want. Punishing yourself for falling short of impossible expectations.
You probably reflexively think “MUST BE NICE” whenever anyone mentions self-care because you can’t imagine how it’s possible to live any other way.

What If Self-Care Wasn’t As Much Time & Effort as You’re Imagining?
What if it could all change if you just took an hour to breathe with a skilled, trauma-informed guide once a month?
I can tell you from experience- a lot of really good shit starts happening when you give yourself regular time to connect with yourself. Like:
🧚 Your relationships get better. With clarity about your wants, needs, & boundaries, you are much better equipped to advocate for yourself and communicate effectively with others.
🧚 Progress toward your big goals speeds the fuck up, now that you have space to regularly check in with what it is that you truly want.
🧚 You don’t have to lean so heavily on unhealthy ways to numb like workaholism, alcohol, etc. Because- you have space to feel your feelings now and don’t have to try so hard to avoid them.
🧚 Creative blocks go bye-bye because now you are aware of what it is that wants to be expressed.
Life-Changing Clarity
As tempting as it is to believe you have the power to lock the feelings you don’t want to feel away in a back cupboard of your mind, the reality is that they never really go away.
We evolved to experience emotions for a reason. They exist because they hold important information for us about what is necessary for our survival and essential for our quality of life.
Refusing to feel them just pushes them into our unconscious where they wreak havoc by triggering us to react in less-than-ideal ways to stressors. Or they fester and start to cause physical pain or illness.
But even just giving yourself the gift of an hour with your breath, an hour of presence with your body, an hour with a breathing pattern to focus on so you don’t get lost in the fear & the pain, an hour with an experienced, trauma-informed guide who can pull you out if you get stuck… even just that hour of fucking relief a month gives you space to access, honor, and release even the biggest, scariest emotions.
And when you make regular time to do that, you are rewarded with life-changing clarity. About what is and isn’t working in your life. About what you want. Clarity that makes it soooo much easier to make decisions and take intentional action rather than being buffeted about by what everyone else tells you you’re supposed to want.
Marie-Josée Larocque, Facilitatrice de Breathwork et Coach Somatique
“[Breathwork with Mica is] really nourishing… Mica knew how to be very present and attentive. The session took me out of my state of doubt to settle me into a softer state of trust, of letting go. I felt a relaxation in my head, a dance, like a more harmonious integration. She is a natural. She holds the space in a very gentle and attentive way. Her voice, her rhythm, everything responded exactly to what my body needed.”
Isa Gautschi, Marketing Confidence Cheerleader
“Mica's breathwork sessions are always a game changer. She makes it safe to feel the stuff I've been avoiding. And when I let myself go there, I get such beautiful gifts: rekindled focus, awakened creativity, and life-changing insights. I didn't realize that healing could be sogentle, so loving without so much pain, time, and effort.”
Be Accountable To Your Dreams
What we’re really talking about here is making accountability possible.
How can you ever truly be accountable to yourself and others if you never have time to look at yourself? If you are so disconnected you can’t even feel what is and isn’t in alignment with what you want for your life?
If you would like to finally, finally take steps to design a life you don’t have to numb out from I’d love to have you in the Breathwork Club.

🎉 You Are Invited to The Burnout Fairy 🧚 Breathwork Club 🎉
🧚A monthly guided breathwork session on a personal-growth theme led by me, Mica Winegarden, an experienced, certified, trauma-informed breathwork facilitator. Join live over Zoom or watch the replay at your leisure
🧚On the weeks when we don’t have a Breathwork Session, I will provide optional journaling prompts to help deepen your insights and clarity on the month’s theme
$55/a month. Cancel anytime.
Breathwork for the win! Here are just a few of the things breathwork can help you with:
🧚 Peace, release, & relief
🧚 Establishing an internal sense of safety
🧚 Breaking out of creative blocks
🧚 Improving focus
🧚 Boundary-building
🧚 Accelerating progress toward your biggest goals
🧚 Clearer communication
🧚 Unsticking grief & trauma from the body
Aimee Smith
“[Breathwork with Mica is] incredible! It was deeply healing - lots of downloads, time with my inner child. Really lovely. The mantra really felt good and led the session. Loved the chosen card. Mica has such a beautiful presence as a facilitator. I felt this ancient/past life wisdom that she embodies. I felt held, safe, grounded with her. Cuing was spot-on, playlist lovely, etc.”
-Kristen C., Therapist & Dance Studio Owner
“…Mica reached out to me, offering me additional support when I participated with the recording, which I found to be quite comforting. When I finally got around to the recording and began the breathing pattern, I found a dark and heavy sensation in my chest that felt like it was going to burst out of me. I started crying and shaking, eventually curling into a ball and falling asleep. I woke up about 20 minutes later and felt SO much better! I felt lighter, like my head was above water again. I followed up with Mica who met me with empathy, compassion, and reassurance. She talked me through what may have happened and gave me a ton of support. I'm excited to keep going with this work, thank you Mica!”