The productivity hack you really need...
is doing LESS SHIT!
(and not feeling guilty about it)
To anyone watching, you have it all together.
You’re the go-to person whenever someone has a question.
Even with everything on your plate, you always find room to take on one more project, task, or problem to solve.
You’re a star employee: coming in early, staying late, and giving up weekends to show you’re a team player.
You're career-minded and have fully embraced the sacrifice to get where you are.
It's been a hard road, but you're not done yet!
There's so much more to do, and you've barely checked one big accomplishment off your list before you're on to the next huge task.
You want to be productive, to get it all done, to be able to look proudly at your accomplishments, but you can't seem to ever get caught up. You stay up late researching life-hacks, productivity tricks, and ways to maximize your efficiency, but nothing is ever a match for your mounting to-do list.
No matter how much you get done you never feel like you've accomplished anything, and it's starting to wear you down.
On the inside, you’re exhausted.
Maybe you were excited about your job when you started, but you've lost your passion for it through all the long days without any recognition. Maybe somewhere along the way your interests changed, and you've been trying to outwork your sinking sense that this career isn't what you want anymore.
On the outside you look like you have it all together, but inside the knowing is mounting...something is wrong.
Somewhere in the constant striving for achievement, you lost track of yourself. You started coming last (maybe you can't even remember a time you came first).
You barely have enough time to take care of yourself.
Food is an afterthought, so when you do eat it’s often hurried, shoving down fast options that satisfy hunger but make you feel sluggish and dull.
Exercise? Hobbies? Forget about it. Who has time for that?!
And rest is a far-off dream that you can't seem to earn no matter how much you work. You feel guilty for even having to sleep, forget a leisurely afternoon off.
You can't remember the last time you did anything just for you without guilt that you should be doing something else.
Your family complains of never seeing you. When was last time you truly enjoyed a night out with friends without worrying about an urgent work project? You can't recall. How do people maintain adult friendships, anyway? Once deep connections seem distant and inaccessible.
When you go online you see images of people who seem to have it all together in all the areas you fall short.
How are people making time for family, friends, meal-prepping, fulfilling hobbies, weekend trips, dating — when you can't even leave your desk without a text from your boss asking why you're falling behind on the latest deadline.
You're losing your zest for life.
Every day feels like an endless treadmill of mounting tasks. You find yourself fantasizing about blowing up your life, disappearing and retreating to a tropical island where no one knows your name — or at least throwing your phone in the bathtub.
You aren't sleeping well, your thoughts racing when you lay down about all the things you didn't get done today, and may not get done tomorrow.
Maybe you're getting sick more often, and find yourself saying things like, "my body is betraying me."
This, my burnout.
And while working hard has been your superpower in the past...this is one situation you can't work your way out of.
I'm Mica Winegarden, and my clients call me the Burnout Fairy.
I am a Burnout Recovery Coach helping overworked high performers bring themselves back from the brink through the magic of Nervous System Regulation.
When it comes to burnout, I've seen it all, and what I've learned is that my clients are some of the most resourceful, resilient, hard working people out there....they've just never learned how to apply those brilliant qualities to taking care of themselves.
That's where I come in.
“THANK YOU shiny star! You helped me to remember who I am! Now I feel more confident, so much more clear, connected to self and able to step more out of overwhelm and reactivity to nurture and growth. No more victim! No more push-pull! I step into my self-empowered leadership to nurture my productivity and compassionately journey toward my goals. I now feel more connected to self which allows for more self trust and then clarity in decisions and progress moving forward with tenderness (instead of harsh criticism and stemming from limiting conditioned negative core values). Now I can better lead from my spacious heart energy!”
— Brandi G.
I know you'd love to have energy to do all the things you really want to do, and I know It's not for lack of trying.
You'd love to spend more time with your loved ones.
You'd love to take weekends away or jet off on a two week vacation without worrying everything would fall apart without you.
You'd love to go to the gym or hit a regular yoga class, have time to clean up your house, take care of your nails and split ends without checking your email from the chair — just have a life outside of the constant worry that someone urgently needs something from you, or the feeling that if you turn your phone off you'll be in trouble.
It feels like you’ve tried everything.
Every life hack, DIY self-improvement program, yoga class, and meditation style. You even try to turn bad experiences into a moment to find gratitude....but nothing sticks. (And besides, it just ends up being one more thing to beat yourself up about when you promise yourself today's the day you're going to meditate and then you fall into bed bleary eyed realizing you worked all day and didn't get it done.)
First I want to tell you: it’s not your fault everything you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked.
We live in a society that prizes hard work, can-do attitude and demonizes those who ask for or need support as weak.
We’re taught to bury our feelings and numb out with wine, sugar, mindless social media scrolling and endless Netflix binges.
The interlocking systems of capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy have their claws into every aspect of our lives, and all of us are raised to feel like our only value is in how much we can produce.
Grind and hustle are the norm, and if we can't keep up we're shamed for being weak.
A full, sovereign human isn't desirable to the powers that be, they want us disempowered, numbed out, and willing to trade all our time for just enough money to scrape by, before going to bed bleary eyed and doing it all again in the morning.
And you've been good at working.
You've worked hard, you've checked all the boxes, you've done everything you're supposed to do....but you're not happy.
They tell you to work your way out of that predicament...but overworking is the how do you get out!?
It's hard to find the way out of the "doing" trap — especially when it seems like every answer requires you to do more, and you just can't fit another thing on your google calendar.
It turns out, the answer is more about un-doing. It's taking more things off your google calendar, and creating more spaciousness for yourself.
If you're anything like most of my clients (and like I used to be), you're rolling your eyes at me right now, because like, "Yeah right! If I could take stuff off my schedule without everyone having a meltdown I would've done it already!"
I get it. I know.
This is a tricky process, and a delicate balance. People are used to you always being available, always saying yes, always being "the dependable one."
And while I wish I could wave my magic wand and promise you that no one in your life will mind when those patterns start changing, I can't.
But what I can promise is that by resourcing your nervous system, learning how to set healthy boundaries, and having a safe space to process what happens in your relationships when you do, you can start to carve out a life that feels less like a trap and more like a well oiled machine, where there's space for work, play, and rest.
Where there's space for you.
You may not be able to see it through the haze of overworked frustration right now, but you have accomplished a lot.
You’ve learned and done so much.
And you've done it all while overstretched, tired, and unappreciated...imagine for a moment how much you could accomplish if you could just get a good nights sleep!?
If you’ve tried to figure this all out on your own (heck, you've been able to figure everything else out on your own!) but nothing's worked, I offer you grace.
We’re not designed to be alone, and this isn't work we're designed to do in isolation.
I'm here to take you by the hand and guide you back into the home of yourself.
Through somatic practices, curiosity, gentle listening, and gradual trial and error, we will help you restore your nervous system, create systems in your life that make space for you to be healthy, whole, and happy, and practice constructing and setting boundaries that protect your new-found peace. Before you know it, you'll be truly living your life, instead of just slogging through every day being the "I'll Handle It" machine.
“I now feel so safe in my body and I can take that safety with me wherever I go. I’m still feeling the effects of our sessions, and every now and then have an ‘ah ha’ moment because of them! In Mica’s reflections of my journey I also realise how little I celebrate my accomplishments and my progress. I think that’s a huge component of my takeaways from her sessions :) ”
— Tanya S.
Burnout Recovery Coaching is a personalized, catered to just you, somatic healing program that pairs us together to find ways to overcome the overwhelm and start manifesting the magick you hold within.
You will be fully supported not just in taking action, but uncovering the limiting beliefs that have you stuck on the corporate hamster wheel and prioritizing everybody but yourself.
The Deets:
24 one hour weekly Zoom calls over 6 months.
Support with scheduling, prioritization, boundaries, and automation.
Practices designed with you and for you to promote equilibrium and space in your life.
1:1 Burnout Recovery Coaching is a 6 month investment of 6 payments of $999, or $6000 paid in full.
Still not sure? If you have questions or want to chat before you sign up, book a discovery call to learn more about the program!
What my clients are saying…
“Your pure presence and aligned energy is intoxicating and I deeply appreciate how you hold sacred space. I felt so safe, secure, connected, held and consciously guided to my own healing through all the coaching modalities you used.”
— Brandi G.
“Working with Mica has been wonderful! She listens & offers a fresh perspective on situations I've been trying to work out. She is true light guiding me toward self discovery.”
— Dani G.
“My biggest take away from Mica’s sessions is how helpful it was for another person to witness my emotions and feelings without judgement or agenda. ”
— Tanya S.
I'm so glad I did this. I see a huge change in how I respond to my body when it's asking me for rest. I now understand that when my creativity and good cheer aren't flowing- it's because I'm depleted and need to slow down.
— Isa G.
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