Exhaling Grief

A Free Virtual Event Series Wednesdays in November 

  • Grief Release Breathwork

    5 p.m. PST Wednesday, Nov. 1

  • Honoring Grief Without Getting Trapped In It Masterclass

    5 p.m. PST Wednesday, Nov. 8

  • Somatic Tools For Grief Support

    5 p.m. PST Wednesday, Nov. 15

Too busy to feel the hard stuff?

Most of my clients think they are.

Like if they slowed down to feel it, all the plates they’ve been juggling would fall and smash to smithereens on the floor.

So, they’ve tried all the ways to numb out and keep going.

But something big is missing.

Like all the technicolor has been sapped from their world and they’re living in black & white.

Tired all the time. Irritable. Feeling like they’ll have a full mental breakdown if one more thing refuses to go according to plan.

This… is burnout.

Buried under burnout are all those big feels you’ve been too busy to feel.

Grief, Rage, & Heartbreak get trapped in your body when you don’t take the time to sit with them. Hear the wisdom they carry. And release them once they’ve said what they need to say.

And when Grief, Rage, & Heartbreak stay trapped in your body? Your systems start to go a haywire. 

You literally burn out.

Now, I know, I know. You’re thinking, “Who wants to sit with their grief??? That sounds painful!”

But what if I told you…

Healing doesn’t have to suck.

It doesn’t have to take years and years.

You don’t even have to verbally rehash your trauma over and over again!

There are ways you can make space for your emotions and release them… just by connecting with your body.

You can create a safe space in your own head and your own heart.

You can give yourself what you need to feel better.

Your body’s wisdom knows what it needs.

In my free November event series Exhaling Grief I’ll show you how to access that wisdom. You don’t have to keep holding it all in. You can breathe out now.

Register for Exhaling Grief Series

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