The Magic of Breath: Transform Chaos into Calm
11 a.m. PST Saturday, Nov. 16
The Invisible Weight
Ever feel like you’re carrying a weight you can’t quite pinpoint?
You’re not alone.
I hated my life.
On the outside, I looked successful by conventional means. A lucrative career. A homeowner. A loving partner. A host of friends.
On the inside, I felt like I was drowning. I didn’t feel like I knew a moment’s happiness. I felt as though I was suffocating under the weight of all my responsibilities: work, family, community.
Everything I was involved with, I felt like I was failing from the start.
It felt as though at any moment the cracks in the walls of my mind would show and everyone would see me for the fraud I was.
I wasn’t perfect. I wasn’t happy. I was constantly struggling to get a foot ahead in life.
I was constantly overwhelmed, feeling like there was too much to do but feeling too stuck to do any of it well.
My heart always felt like it was in my throat.
I’m not even sure I actually BREATHED properly in years.
One day, sitting on an airplane, I started to feel all the moments in time that I had pressed down, ignored, left unprocessed until such a time I had the space to acknowledge and feel them.
But that day never came.
My stress built up and built up and built up until I felt I was literally about to burst.
When did stress stop being temporary and become a way of life?
Temporary stress became a chronic state of affairs. It was literally the only thing I knew for years.
At that moment, I knew I needed to make a change. I didn’t want this to be my normal anymore.

Healing doesn’t have to suck.
The Magic of Breath: Transform Chaos into Calm
A Free Virtual Event November 16 @ 11 am PST
This next chapter is called “Peace and Clarity”
What if it easy way to make space for everything you need to feel?
What if it was safe to feel your feelings?
What would be possible for you?
What could you be present for?
How would you walk through the world knowing that peace and clarity were the norm rather than an abstract ideal?
Take a deep breath in through your nose.
Feel your shoulders rise up as your chest expands with air.
Release through your mouth, imagine letting go of that tension.
What if your body could feel lighter and your mind more spacious?
What if peace wasn’t a luxury but your norm?
Your body’s wisdom knows what it needs.
In my free November event “The Magic of Breath: Transform Chaos into Calm” I’ll show you how to access that wisdom. You don’t have to keep holding it all in. You can breathe out now.