I Almost Quit It All!
“I had gone into full survival mode and was feeling the effects of burnout.”
Transitioning from the holiday season to the New Year, I practice something I call “wintering.” It’s an intentional way for me to step back, reflect, and rest so I can create space and intention around what I want to step into for the coming year.
What came forward so loudly for me this wintering season was how I really desired to step into public speaking and create massive group programs to help more people combat overwhelm and beat burnout!
I am still so passionate about working one-on-one with my people, but as there is only so much of me and so much time in a day, I realized I’m not able to make the massive impact I want to make focusing solely on one-on-ones.
So as I shifted from wintering into creative early February, I started writing several drafts on different topics important to me. I played with a few different ideas and really started to build momentum around speech writing and presentation. As spring really started to take hold where I live, I got hit with a prolonged illness that left me mostly bed-ridden for the majority of March.
While ill, I had zero energy for creative endeavors, for content creation, or even most kind of movement that wasn’t for survival and basic needs.
By the end of March, I was feeling better just in time to fly out to Dallas to attend a women’s leadership conference that my corporate job sponsored me to attend. It was perfect timing and exactly what I needed in the moment. The conference and the connections I made with other women leaders and entrepreneurs provided so much inspiration for future projects that I cannot wait to create!
It also opened some doors for me to connect with leaders in my corporate business.
I came home inspired and started to make plans, create more outlines, and dream, but it wasn’t very long before I was on the road again, this time for nearly the whole month of April.
Travel is my lifeblood. I love to travel. I maintain my sanity by having a few practices to keep me grounded and my cup full. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do some of these practices due to the lingering physical effects of the illness I suffered in March.
I experienced early mornings, late nights, and days full of peopling and extroverting with little to no down time to recuperate. I had gone into full survival mode and was feeling the effects of burnout.
Me. A burnout recovery coach feeling burned out.
How the fuck did I get here?
I wasn’t making space for myself. I wasn’t doing any of the practices I advocate for my clients. I wasn’t listening to my body’s signals (or I was and then just choosing to ignore them).
I was so overwhelmed at one point, I really felt like I should just quit.
Close the business.
Stop advertising.
Stop dreaming about sharing my message with broader audiences.
Stop leading breathwork club.
Just. Stop. Everything.
I felt like a failure.
And I was really disappointed in myself.
I share all of this with you to be completely transparent. I teach about burnout because I myself have actual experience being burned out and recovering from said burnout. But healing and recovery are a process and this happens to be what my own process looks like.
I’m here to be of service. To leave this world a better place. I will continue to be of service. But that service might look slightly different than it has these past two years.
I’m looking at focusing more on group coaching and breathwork, speaking to broader audiences, and providing more opportunities for you to connect to me and my work for free.
I’m really fucking excited for this next chapter! I hope you are, too!
For more ways to ditch the burnout for good, make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube Channel & newsletter.